Monday, September 27, 2010

What it means to get tired

If and when I get tired, I believe that I'd rather do something else.

It doesn't always follow that I want to rest or relax, sometimes it's even more relaxing to do a little more work-- as long as it is different I guess. At that moment of decision of changing your pattern of activity from that tiring thing to another, we must find that pivot we call our "hearts". It is just waiting for us to do what comes naturally. 

I wrote something on hope

To hope means to acknowledge the possibility of it all being an illusion and yet having the conviction that this is actually something real.

My friend asked me: Why do we hope? after I posted that message in my ym status.

I answered: the easiest answer is because we just do. But I know you expect something better. We hope because it stems from our insatiable nature to hold on to something that actually means something. It is the by-product of both our nature to doubt which threatens the very nature of faith and and but at the same time necessiates the deepening grip of faith on our very being. Hope is that expectation that there is always something more. Something that makes our very selves make sense, something that makes our lives a little less just because. :D