It is December 24 of the afternoon and the Christmas eve celebrations are about to come! I really don't know how to feel, but this for sure I know- I owe it to myself to blog. I'm also so sorry for simply posting the papers I submitted for my cultural studies class, if this be any consolation, I'll make this as philosophical and as simple as possible! That was meant to be a pseudo-paradox. HAHAHAHA!
I have been reading Marxism and Existentialism by Walter Odajnyk and this book which simply presents an almost disrespectful argument between the two schools of thought both amuses and brings my mind to spontaneous intellectual orgasms.
I want to quote:
"The unauthentic man finds himself in a situation or falls into one; he solves it only to discover that he is now faced with another situation which also demands solution... The authentic person does not fall into situations but brings himself into them."
I think it is in the time of Christmas to simply believe in this very existentialist notion.
Many have said that they do not feel Christmas.
Others gave the reason because it doesn't count anymore since we are always in a state of Advent or "Waiting" lately that we have become victims of waiting. Weariness and longing have become our primal condition.
Some also said that they have been too immersed or too little immersed in Christmas traditions. The cultural heritage of Christmas has seemed to lose its meaning or is emitting the wrong ones.
While for some, they simply don't believe.
Well for Christmas the idea is perhaps the opposite of all these.
In Christmas what Christ says is that He has already come. No need to wait! This is particularly true of our current condition in our world. Most of us are always on the look out of what more we need and what to change. Perhaps, its time to simply count our blessings!
In Christmas, Christ wants us to look beyond cultural heritages. Heritage as a word brings with it a very archaic notion of the need to reify tradition. Well Christ in His birth tries to break it with His coming. A King born in a manger, born of a poor virgin, having shepherds, barnyard animals, and kings from distant lands as witnesses, perhaps we need to always expect the unexpected in Christmas.
Finally, in Christmas, we must abandon our more critical selves. He came for us! though in a very unexpected way...
We should not always look for what we want perhaps... Indeed, our world is one of desolation, destruction, and decay, but perhaps what we need is to count its consolations, creation, and growth. Perhaps, our eyes must attune to the possibilities more than the lost opportunities. Because in the Infant is that infinite realm of possibility and in His Infancy here on earth, He says to us that this world still has that capacity for natality. We can be anew! Regardless of religious beliefs, whether this comes from Christ Himself or from human reality, though we are by nature dying every moment, every moment is a chance to make anew.
Maybe one very neglected point of the existentialists is that they are a philosophy that places freedom at a premium. Our freedom is always above the situation and despite the situation, we can always choose to turn the situation around through a simple disposition and attitude of an ownership of ourselves. This indeed is a very Christian message: any situation, our broken world, can be an avenue for hope much like how His death in the Cross became our salvation. Amidst brokenness, we are creatures of miracle.
So abandon your doubts at least for a day...
We spend too much on them the remaining 364 days of the year.
To be authentic persons let us throw ourselves upon the world.
In Christmas day, our task is to believe...
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