Sunday, November 29, 2009

absurd eclecticism

Where should I go?
the couch?
my bed?
the bathroom?
it doesn't matter,
all I need is my imagination.

What position should it be?
sitting down?
standing up?
against the wall?
it doesn't matter,
all I need is to bare it all.

How should it be done?
in vertical motion?
through hard pressing?
through random wiggling?
it doesn't matter,
all I need is stimulation.

To whom shall it be with?
Somebody I idolize?
Nobody in particular?
who I happen to fancy?
it doesn't matter,
all I need is an idea.

When shall it be released?
In a flurry of passion?
During the climax?
When all's been said and done?
it doesn't matter,
all I need is to get it over with.

* now, read in reverse!

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